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What is My Skin Type?

What is My Skin Type?

Born this way:

Everyone is born with a set of genes that predetermines our appearance. While there are some traits we can change, like hair color, others are locked in. Just like your blood type, you’re born with a certain skin type and that’s the one you’ll have for life!

But whether you’re happy with your skin or find it more challenging to manage, all skin types can look healthy, glowing, and radiant. The key is to make sure you’re using the right products for your skin (and not your best friend’s skin!). And what’s the first step in determining that? Identifying your skin type! Knowing your skin type is the most important factor in creating your AM/PM routine (and as you may or may not know, 80% of your results are determined by your at-home routine!)! So let’s go beneath the surface and explore what skin type is, why it’s different from skin conditions, and how you can determine yours.

What are skin types:

Your skin type is determined by how much oil your skin produces. So it makes sense that skin types would range from dry, on one end of the spectrum, to oily, on the other. There are four skin types: dry, normal, combination, and oily. Even though your skin type is determined at birth, all skin types can be affected by both internal and external factors such as the environment and your hormones. And when that happens, you might find you have a temporary skin condition.

Skin types are not skin conditions:

If your skin type is your personality, skin conditions are your mood. They come and go – and just like your mood, pesky hormones are often to blame. But external factors like the environment and your lifestyle can also activate a skin condition. One of the most common skin conditions is dehydration, which is caused by a lack of water. This transepidermal water loss (TEWL) compromises your skin barrier, which leads to sensitivity. It’s important to note that skin conditions can happen to any skin type. So oily skin is just as likely to be dehydrated as normal skin. But back to skin types….how do you determine yours? Let’s take a look at the key attributes of each one:

Dry Skin:

If your skin is dry, you likely feel parched all year round (not just in the winter!). Dry skin produces less oil than all other skin types, and this can result in a flaky or dull appearance, which can exaggerate fine lines or wrinkles. Because it lacks the oil to protect it, dry skin is also more prone to becoming sensitive, so protecting the skin barrier is the name of the game. If you have dry skin, you’ll want to look for products with oil to help supplement what your skin does not naturally produce to keep your complexion plump and your skin barrier happy.

Normal Skin:

Normal skin is neither too dry nor too oily. If you have normal skin, you’re less prone to breakouts and only experience dryness in extreme cold weather (lucky you!). Normal skin maintains a pretty balanced amount of oil and is fairly even-keeled, but that doesn’t mean you can neglect it. In addition to a gentle cleanser and moisturizer, you can keep your skincare routine fairly basic: the Non-Negotiables (Vitamin C, SPF, and Vitamin A) are a must, but you probably don’t need much else.

Combination Skin:

Do you feel like your skin has a split personality? Oily in some areas, normal in others? You most likely have combination skin. Just like it sounds, combination skin produces an excess of oil in some areas (generally your forehead, nose, and chin, the “T Zone”) and is generally normal on the cheeks. However, people with combination skin often treat the entire face with products designed to treat the oily T Zone. This can compromise the normal areas, leading to cheeks feeling dry. It can often be challenging to treat combination skin because products designed to treat one area may aggravate another. But here’s the key: use a gentle cleanser, lightweight moisturizer and save the oil-regulating ingredients like salicylic acid for the T Zone.

Oily Skin:

If you have oily skin, you probably already know it! Oily skin has more active sebaceous glands, which means you’re more prone to clogged pores, breakouts, and acne. And shine control seems like your other full-time job, especially during the summer or in humid or hot weather. When it comes to products, oil-controlling acids like salicylic acid are your best friend. And even though your skin feels slick, it still needs hydration! Otherwise, it will create more oil to overcompensate. Just steer clear of heavy moisturizers and look for lightweight water-based formulas instead.


While knowing your skin type can help you determine the right products to use, it’s important to note that all skin types can benefit from and should use the Non-Negotiables: Vitamin C and SPF in the morning, and Vitamin A (retinol) in the evening. The Non-Negotiables are essential for every skin type, and even more, they help improve every skin condition. Do you know your skin type? Take our Skin Quiz and discover the best products for you.

Still not sure of your skin type or how best to treat it? We’re here to help! A 30-minute Virtual Consultation with Rhea will send you on your way to your best skin ever with a personalized AM/PM routine.